My Daily Fashion Dosis


Carmenl 1 februari 2017 home, Inspiration Geen reacties

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 For the past 4 years I live in my very own appartment. It is super nice, but it think it is time for a change. I love to change my interior from time to time.

Because just like fashion, interior has awesome trends!
As I was looking for new interior items I found these cool posters of Desenio.

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I am a huge fan of Kate Moss. She is my style icon. So I was determined to order this one. As I like to have 2 posters next to each other. I looked for another fashion poster which I loved.
Ofcourse the Chanel poster caught my eye. Who doesn’t love COCO?

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My living room is immediately so much cooler and has a totally new look with these fashion posters.

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As not only my living room needed to  be pimped up. I also looked for posters which look good at my window pane and sleeping room. My stye is sexy & Rock ‘n Roll. So choose for these smaller posters which fit perfectly in the window pane and fit to my personal style. So cool!

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Yay Kate & Coco are awesome next to my cactus!!

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In my sleeping room I wanted to create a photo wall. As Desenio has so much choice of posters I could definitely find something that fit onto my photo wall. And yes… I know… the Prada poster doesn´t fit on my photo wall. But hey! My shopping addiction took control over me.
It is not my fault, that Desenio has too much nice stuff ;-)


This post is in collaboration with Desenio

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